Sweet Sefed no va participar activament en ajudar a les parades per fer que la fira fos el millor que va poder ser. Vam ajudar a parades de tot tipus, però sobre tot a la de Primer de Batxillerat.
Cal recordar que la fira és totalment benèfica i que els diners que s'aconsegueixen amb la compra de tiquets aquest any s'enviaren a organitzacions solidàries, benèfiques com el casal dels infants, etc.
Us adjuntem aquí sota el vídeo que va fer la escola pia de Granollers per donar a conèixer la fira. https://sites.google.com/a/epiagranollers.cat/sweet/promocions-1
Moltes gràcies!
Sweet Sefed joined Fira de la solidaritat which was last saturday in the afternoon, it was a big party and all the money which was earned is going to be sended to a ONG or some organization which is going to give the money to people who need it.
Thank you very much for the support!
Us adjuntem aquí sota el vídeo que va fer la escola pia de Granollers per donar a conèixer la fira. https://sites.google.com/a/epiagranollers.cat/sweet/promocions-1
Moltes gràcies!
Sweet Sefed joined Fira de la solidaritat which was last saturday in the afternoon, it was a big party and all the money which was earned is going to be sended to a ONG or some organization which is going to give the money to people who need it.
Thank you very much for the support!
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